(760) 944-7131

Lease Terms


General Lease Terms (details vary by location)

  • Month-to-month with 60-days notice to terminate.

  • Move-in with pro-rated first month's rent, pre-paid last month's rent deposit, and security deposit (equal to one month's rent).

  • General Liability Insurance required with building owner and SmallOffices4Rent.com listed as Additionally Insured ($2 million aggregate, $1 million per occurrence). See here for sample Certificate of Liability Insurance document needed.

  • Utilities are a fixed monthly fee, billed as separate line-item in monthly invoice.

  • 24/7 building access (HVAC hours limited at some locations).

  • Free conference room access (where available).

  • No Pets or Dogs, except for a "...service animal individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability." See guidedogboard.ca.gov for more information.

  • Tenants are expected to maintain their carpets throughout lease period, which includes mandatory use of carpet protection pads or plastic mats under high use chairs.

  • Shared Internet access is available at most locations. Tenants are also allowed to order their own dedicated Internet or phone service.

  • Additional details found in lease documents and upon request

the smalloffices4rent.com team

Oceanside, California

Providing small offices since 2003.